Strengthen the protection of patients’ rights in the European framework, thanks to the cooperation between civic society, patient organizations and the Members of the EU Parliament. This is one of the aims of the Interest Group “European Patients' Rights & Cross-Border Healthcare” that has been officially launched on December 2nd in Brussels at the European Parliament. Hosted by MEP David Borrelli, the co-founder of the Interest Group, the meeting was attended, among others, by MEPs Therese Comodini Cachia (Malta), Piernicola Pedicini (Italy), Elena Gentile (Italy), Marju Lauristin (Estonia).
All of them agreed that patients' rights are non-negotiable and universal values that must be guaranteed to all the European citizens and have underlined their commitment for the effective implementation of the Directive 2011/24/EU on patients' rights in cross-border healthcare. Indeed, is first time that in this kind of documents appears the wording “patients’ rights”.